Wednesday, March 08, 2006

visiting artist :: cory arcangel

Cory Arcangel is a digital artist from NY, read his web log and you will know everything.

Cory gave a performance in Boulder -he did a live remix/mash-up of guns n' roses. My sister (Kristen Schaal) was performing at the Aspen Comedy Arts Festival at the same time so I unfortunately missed Cory's performance but will post a video of it when it becomes available. I also had my Net Presence students attend and blog their reaction so I was at least able to read about it.
I did pick up Cory from the airport so I was able to have a great conversation about the digital art world and comedy, he mentioned he was into comedy and would have liked to gone to aspen. I mentioned that I was in a bit of postmodern depression ever since I started grad school and been exposed to great artists and art work. Inevitably, whatever work I create someone can always make a reference to someone who has done it before me. I told Cory that I was going to make a work that dealt with the concept of lossy compression using multiple generations of jpg imagery.
That was until I saw his version of Iron Maiden's "Number of the Beast" recompressed as an mp3 666 times. Basically the same concept but done brilliantly and with humor. He replied that he had actually got the idea from something that one of John Cage's students (insert name here) did. He encouraged me to keep moving the idea forward.

Super nice guy that Archangel.


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